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Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong rages at ‘idiot’ under his own Instagram post

Since Donald Trump became president of the United States, a lot of celebrities have spoken out against him. It happens every day. Green Day lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong is one of these people. After he saw Trump’s tweet about the size of his nuclear button/penis, he felt like he had to say something. And he’s not here for people criticizing him for it.


1. If there’s one person on Earth who knows how to spot an American Idiot…



2. Tell us how you really feel, Bille Joe.


3. Oh, and just so you know…


To use his own words…

the outsiders my shitty shit GIF


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Watches an almost unhealthy amount of tv series, and has no minor comedy obsession. That's…

Billie Joe Armstrong Donald Trump instagram