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Father rants to daughter after he mistakes her powerbank for a vibrator

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Parents and technology don’t always go together very well. This can lead to the most hilarious situations, but also to VERY uncomfortable ones. This is a rare combination of the two.


1. These are not texts you want to get from your dad…



2. Let’s take a closer look.


3. That escalated quickly…


4. At least he got what he came for.



5. Yeah, that’s hardly the main issue here, Cal.



6. Not everyone is convinced of that part of the story, though.


7. But hey, there’s always someone who has it worse.


8. Damn it, Tom.



9. Twitter isn’t here for her dad’s lack of understanding.


10. Especially the women.


11. It is a pretty repressed reaction.


12. And to sum it up, Sean brought a visual aid.


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