Mary Poppins returns in the teaser for Mary Poppins Returns and the reactions aren’t exactly Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

On Oscar night, Hollywood celebrates its best stuff from the past year. During the commercials, however, it gives us previews of what’s to come. Without a doubt, the biggest one we got is the first teaser trailer for the Mary Poppins sequel ‘Mary Poppins Returns,’ starring Emily Blunt as Mary and Lin-Manuel Miranda. The internet has a lot of thoughts…


1. Watch the teaser for yourself right here:


2. Some people are very excited about what’s to come.


3. Other people, like Joel, are still on the fence.


4. Well, guess what, Barb?


5. Derek is yet to be impressed.


6. Guardians of the Galaxy fans were hoping for something slightly different.


7. Thank god someone told him.


8. Get ready for the Dark Nanny trilogy, people.


Bring on your hate, internet. Mary’s not impressed.


(Header image via)


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