Wanted: Native English online editor (part-time)

Looking for a job where you can write your heart out, expand our community and get paid for being active on social media? You can still use your human instincts in the digital age, by hunting for virals and collecting them to share with your online crowd. Therefore, we are looking for an editor who mainly gets it on between the sheets with his or her smartphone. Someone with writing skills, who is social media savvy and occasionally will think ‘I am sooooo blogging about this’. You will be responsible for the content of The Best Social Media and become the new caption captain of our English-oriented platform.

Company description

The Best Social Media is the new English version of the successful Dutch and German platforms De Beste Social Media and Das Beste Aus Social Media. We curate the best, most remarkable and viral content on social media and write and post about it. We travel the world wide web like Dora the Internet Explorer, as a digital compass in the online chaos. So when Trump spills his cup of covfefe on Twitter, you’ll be the first to notice it, write it and post it. Or when someone has a viral complaint because Starbucks has been a lactose-liar, while the customer’s pants are on fire, that’s also where you come in.

Furthermore, both our Dutch and German platforms attract a broad social savvy audience between 18-40 and each reach more than 2 million people weekly. We are growing fast, publishing more than 120 blogs monthly. We now wanna start building the English version and make it big! Given the fact that you will write and deal with English content, increases the possibilities of growth and reach to be sky high.

Job description

We are looking for a part time / freelance editor who can build The Best Social Media with us. We want somebody who can do research finding the best content, write viral blogs about it and create engaging posts on social media about it. Allow us to spell it out for you:

– The workload will consist of 16-24 hours per week

– You will have to spend some time in our Amsterdam office with your Dutch and German colleagues, but you can work from home now and then. Preferably you will spend two fixed days in the office, while you can schedule the third day based on your own agenda.

– You will receive a market conformity salary

– It is your own responsibility to guard yourself against the puns and one-liners, that will be thrown at you by your colleagues with excessive force.


– You live on social media. You are critical about it, but you also love it. Basically: you can’t live without it and know where to find the good stuff.

– You use all platforms a lot, know what Reddit is and have some experience writing viral blogs.

– You have a Bachelor degree in media, journalism or communication.

– English is your native language

– 1 to 3 years of editorial/blogging experience

– Experience with publishing on social media

– You know your way on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

– You have a pro-active way of working

– You are a capable and efficient online researcher

Sounds like your cup of covfefe? Write a convincing motivational letter, explaining what makes you our strongest social soldier, and mail it to diederik@studiobroekhuizen.nl

We zoeken: We are looking for a part time / freelance editor who can build The Best Social Media with us. We want somebody who can do research finding the best content, write viral blogs about it and create engaging posts on social media about it.

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